A housewife’s tip: How to iron a leatherette jacket at home

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Textile materials produced nowadays have a lot of positive qualities compared to their natural counterparts. Such qualities include:

  • strength characteristics,
  • practicality,
  • comfort of use,
  • economy.

Because of the advantages, man-made materials are very popular. Items made of leatherette compete with their natural counterparts. There are cases where a created leather jacket does not differ from the product model based on leatherette. The only difference may be the price and such a jacket will cost several times cheaper, which will save a lot of money.

But among the obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages: things made of leatherette are capable of forming creases and creases. These are the main disadvantages of synthetic eco-leather. It remains only to know how to iron leatherette without damaging the appearance of the product?

In order to understand this question, it is necessary to know the type and features of the subspecies of leatherette.

Varieties and technical features of synthetic material

Eco-leather or artificial leather has a number of synthetic components. These elements are created from polymers and are used in various branches of light and textile industries. But before ironing eco leather and choose a method of smoothing, should determine the type of synthetic material to exclude a possible defect in the product. The most well-known varieties of leatherette are:

  1. Granitol or Dermatin. A very budget material that is capable of imitating natural leather. It is widely used to upholster furniture utensils and clothing economy variant. In the structure of the material is a layer of cotton fabric (sometimes synthetic), the base of which is sprayed, consisting of nitratecellulose. Dermatin is not durable. He quickly loses the attractiveness of appearance. How to iron a leatherette? Dermatin is not susceptible to ironing when defective folds occur in the structure of the material;
  2. Polyvinyl chloride derivatives. This material is very much in demand. In industry, the polymer can be found under different names, such as Lukovil. This polymer has good strength and a smooth surface. It is widely used by manufacturers to create an erotic type of clothing and products subcultural direction. Almost every fashionable woman has leather underwear in her closet, as the popularity of such products periodically returns to the fashion sector;
  3. Tight-fitting stretch leather. This is a special leather substitute that consists of a fabric web and a polymer. This polymer contains a huge amount of elastane. Such products are very convenient in the manufacture of fashionable clothes and perfectly fit the figure;
  4. Kirsa. Such raw materials are used for making shoes. A shoe made from such material has special strength and durability. Not only boots for military personnel, but also various bags and suitcases are made of kirzas. This kind of leatherette is often sprayed on top of the polymer elements, to imitate a natural component. Such material is not subject to external influences and wear and tear. It does not require ironing, as kirsa is very difficult to wrinkle.

Ironing leatherette

Ironing leatherette outerwear

How to iron a leatherette jacket or how to iron an eco-leather dress? The recommended ironing parameters for leatherette garments have the same rules as natural leather products. The only exception is leatherette products, because it is not desirable to expose them to any aggressive external action. Outerwear (jackets) are the most exposed to wear and tear than other things made of leatherette, which retain their attractiveness much longer. Consider the most affordable and gentle methods to care for leatherette and answer the question of many owners, how to iron a faux leather jacket:

  1. Set the temperature on the iron to no more than thirty degrees Celsius. Turn the jacket on the wrong side. Wrap a towel around the contacting parts of the leatherette. Very carefully iron the jacket from the inside, along the lining, not lingering in one place.
  2. Hang the jacket on the dimensional shoulders. Sprinkle the product abundantly with warm water and leave it hanging. As a rule, overnight the jacket straightens out and dries completely.
  3. How do you iron an eco leather dress? You can use an iron that has a vertical steam function. But before doing so, you should carefully study the tag on the garment. If exposure to the steam base is not prohibited by the manufacturer, you should double-check on a small area of the jacket.
  4. If no such device is available, water vapor comes to the rescue. To do this, hang the jacket on the shoulders and place it in a bathtub, in which hot water should be filled in advance. From the effects of water vapor jacket begins to smooth out. Jacket set aside overnight, closing the front door in this way in the bathroom creates a steam room for the leatherette.
  5. You can put the jacket on in wet and foggy weather and go outside. As you walk, the pores of the synthetic material will begin to absorb the moist air and thus create a smoothing effect right on the body.
  6. Prepare a solution that contains pure water, vinegar essence and laundry conditioner. The proportions of the mixture are equal. Using a sprayer, apply the liquid to the wrinkled surface of the leatherette. In the experience of housewives, creases are smoothed right before your eyes. Such a solution does not leave streaks and is not harmful to the product.

Eco-leather skirt

Are there other safer ways to iron a dermantine jacket? In certain situations, it is safer and more comfortable to give to a firm that provides dry cleaning services. This technique will require money, but will keep the product from negative factors and return the original appearance. Professionals of their craft know how to handle delicate things, because the laundry always has all the necessary means and tools, which are not available at home.

We smooth out shoes, leather furniture

How to iron a leatherette dress and how to iron a comzama skirt? Leggings, shoes, and eco-leather outerwear can be ironed the same way as regular outerwear. To avoid misunderstandings, you should read the manufacturer’s recommendations, which are listed on the product label. There you will also find practical tips on how to take care of the garment. For other synthetic leather surfaces can be used:

  1. For ironing furniture upholstery, a method that involves using a damp cotton cloth is appropriate. We take a cotton cloth and wet it. Then wring it out and put it over the leatherette and leave it to dry.
  2. The eco-leather shoes straighten in two directions. We fill the inside of the shoe with newspaper so that the material is stretched as much as possible. The outside should be creamed and left at normal temperature.
  3. Bags and purses made of leatherette are smoothed by a combination of the above methods. It all depends on the type of material and the characteristics of the deformation. All the bag’s decoration is scored as much as possible, the zipper is zipped, and the folds are smeared with cream. For light-colored bags, warm milk can be used instead of cream.

The way to iron leatherette

The main restriction that is contraindicated to all varieties of leatherette is ironing from the front side. It is worth noting that creases and creases are better prevented than corrected. It is only necessary to properly care for and store things made of eco leather. Store away from heaters and high humidity, in special covers.