Remove plaque from the toilet bowl. The best tools

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Bathroom hygiene is one of the most pressing problems for every housewife, because it is the toilet that can tell a lot about its owners, and on its cleanliness depends the overall impression of the apartment or house. In this article we will talk about the toilet bowl, because of its impeccable whiteness depends not only on the reputation of the owners, but also the health of all family members.

Types of toilet bowl coatings

How to wash the toilet bowl at home, what is the best way to clean it, how to get rid of lime scale and urine stone we will talk a little later, but now let’s talk about the coating “faience friend”, knowledge of which will help to figure out what means are better to use.

Almost all toilets are covered with a special glaze, resembling enamel. It is not recommended to wash it with very hot water, as it can crack. If this happens, the cracks will accumulate dirt, and microbes will multiply. Despite this, the glaze is very durable material, it can withstand the effects of many means, although over time, it can wear out and fall into disrepair.

How to wash the toilet bowl at home, so that the coating is not cracked? First, do not use hard brushes and sponges, especially sharp objects or a knife. Secondly, when choosing a means for the toilet bowl pay attention to the recommendations on the label and be sure to follow them. Thus, in order not to damage the glaze covering your toilet use a medium-hard brush or brush, as well as a cleaner that will help to clean the toilet bowl well, and kill all the germs and bacteria.

Cleaning the toilet bowl from limescale and urine stone

Before cleaning the toilet bowl from plaque and urinary stone, let’s focus on the causes of their formation. Hard tap water is to blame. Most often it appears if the toilet bowl leaks. It is also not uncommon for rust to form inside the toilet bowl. This occurs because of the large amount of iron impurities, which gets to the surface with tap water. How can I clean the toilet bowl if there is a deposit inside it? Let’s consider several popular folk methods, which can be used by every housewife.

  • Vinegar is the most well-known home method. It is best to use acetic acid, but if you need to clean small deposits of plaque, you can take, the usual, 9%. Pour the vinegar into a jar or bottle with a lid, warm it up well. Pour it on the surface of the toilet, add a vial of iodine, and then sprinkle a small amount of baking soda. Lather it up with a brush or brush and leave it for a couple of hours. This method works more effectively if you leave the vinegar and iodine mixture overnight. During this time, the stone and plaque should dissolve. In the morning, rinse off the cleaner with water.
  • Whitewash or bleach. This method is also best used at night or when the toilet bowl will not be used for several hours. Empty the cistern and shut off the water flowing into it. Pour out 1 liter of bleach or bleach-acid solution. After 3-4 hours or in the morning, the product can be rinsed off. For small formations this method works effectively, if you are not satisfied with the result of a single procedure, you must repeat it.
  • Citric acid. “Lemon juice” is one of the best remedies against limescale and urinary stone. It is great for those housewives who do not know how to quickly clean the toilet bowl. Sprinkle 3-4 packages of citric acid over the surface of the toilet bowl, as well as in the drain, cover, leave for a few hours, and then just rinse everything off with water. At one time with a stale plaque “citric acid” will not cope, but if you repeat the procedure several times, your toilet bowl will quickly take a pristine look.
  • Also on the shelves of household chemicals stores sell a huge number of liquid and powder means for the toilet bowl, which, unfortunately, are not always effective in one case or another. It all depends on the degree of contamination.

What to clean the toilet bowl at home

Methods for dealing with tough dirt

If the enamel of your toilet bowl is damaged and cracks have formed on it, the above remedies are unlikely to help even if you wash it with them regularly. What to clean the toilet bowl from the scale if it has a strong contamination or a large layer of plaque let’s talk further. Consider the best remedies.

  • Solution of orthophosphoric acid (5-7%). With its help, you can clean plaque not only inside the toilet bowl with your own hands, but also effectively clean the cistern. How to use: pour the solution and leave it for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, use a brush or toilet brush and water to rinse it off well. Remember, orthophosphoric acid is a toxic and harmful substance, do not forget to protect your hands during the application, always wear gloves.
  • Technical Oxalic Acid. It can be purchased in the pharmacy in the form of a small briquette. How to use: mix the powder with water to form a pulp, with which spread soiled areas of the toilet bowl and leave for 1-2 hours, then rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Battery Electrolyte. This is a very quick effective method that will help clean even a very neglected toilet bowl to a shine. Be sure to wear gloves and a respirator when using this product. Remember, the electrolyte – it is an extreme method, it is recommended to use only if your toilet bowl is quite old or neglected, and to change it is not possible. There is one condition, it is categorical to use it if you have plastic pipes.
  • Coca-Cola. Many housewives have tried it and the results are very impressive. How to clean the toilet bowl inside with Coca-Cola? Pour 2 liters of drink into the toilet, leave it for 3-4 hours, and then wash off the plaque with a brush or brush.

How to clean a toilet bowl fast.


It is important not to forget that all cleaners, including the most innocuous ones, can have a negative effect on the skin of the hands, so if you decide to clean the toilet, be sure to wear gloves.

Also, always follow all the recommendations written on the label and know that all powders and gels contain acid, which evaporates when applied, try not to lean close so as not to inhale them.

And in conclusion I would like to say, every housewife chooses her own way of cleaning the toilet bowl. To keep it in pristine condition, clean it 1-2 times a week and then you won’t have to use “heavy artillery”.